Students » School Handbook / Policy Information

School Handbook / Policy Information

Handbook/Policy Information 

Ask your child to represent you and his/her home well by not being noisy or careless in the classroom, restroom, hallway, and cafeteria.  Tell him/her to display good manners at all times.  Urge your child not to pick up anything that does not belong to him/her and not to bring anything home that is not his/hers.  If something is brought home that does not belong to your child, please check on its source and return it to school. Our emphasis on behavior at Vidalia Lower is to always show respect and kindness to all students and staff. 


  • During after school car pick-up, children MUST be seated on the benches and stay as quiet as possible for safety purposes and so they will be able to hear their names when called. Please encourage your children to follow our rules while waiting.


  • School dismissal is at 3:09.  All children are expected to know their bus driver and bus number, and they should recognize both after the first week of school.  Duty teachers are there to give assistance when it is needed. Bus students are expected to wait in their bus line quietly and to listen for their bus to be called.  Students do not have permission to eat or drink snacks while waiting for his/her bus or while riding the bus.

  • Encourage your child to follow behavior and safety rules while riding the bus.  Students must sit properly in the seat with backpack on back. Students should refrain from loud talking and should pay attention to watch for their stop.  Snacks and drinks are not permitted on the bus.

  • A student is allowed to be tardy only THREE TIMES in a semester.  After being tardy three times, a warning letter will be issued. Upon the sixth tardy, a formal truancy meeting with parents and the Concordia Parish Child Welfare and Attendance Supervisor will be scheduled.

  • Students will be served a nutritious, free breakfast and lunch every school day.  Check the Concordia Parish School Board website for the cafeteria's monthly breakfast and lunch menus at

  • Only WATER is allowed to be brought to school by your child for snack or lunch time. Snacks may be purchased at school for .75 cents.

  • Students may bring lunch from home and purchase milk at school.  No soft drinks or powdered packets can be sent with the lunch. No glass containers should be brought from home. Do not send items that need to be heated.

  • All FOOD and DRINKS that have labels and company logos MUST be placed in containers with no labels.  

  • Make certain your child gets enough rest.  Tired children cannot do their best.  Consistency is the key.  Set a bedtime hour and stick to it. 

  • The school day begins promptly at 7:50 A.M. Please see that your child is on time.  We have two hours of uninterrupted reading each morning.  If students are not on time, they are missing critical instruction time.

  • School is dismissed at 3:09 P.M. each day.  IF you must check your child out of school, please do so BEFORE 2:30 p.m. Children may NOT be checked out after 2:30.  No Exceptions!

  • When sending money to school, please send it in a sealed envelope with your child's name and the teacher's name on the envelope and note what the money is for.  Make all checks payable to Vidalia Lower Elementary School.

  • All visitors must enter the school through the office entry on Stampley Street. Visitors must notify office staff upon arrival and wait to receive a visitor's pass. Upon leaving, notify office staff that you are leaving and turn in your visitor's pass.

  • When children are to use a different way of leaving school at dismissal time, the teacher or office MUST be notified in WRITING.  When a child rides a different bus, a NOTE from the parent must be sent to the principal so it can be signed and given to the bus driver.  Put your transportation request for a bus or pick-up change in writing, sign and date request, and send to your child's teacher. Be sure to designate if the change is only for one day or for an extended period of days.

  • Medication will only be accepted in the office from 8:00-9:00 A.M.  If a student must take personally prescribed medicine at school, a statement from the physician must be ON FILE in the office.  A designated school employee will administer all medications.  Students may NOT dispense medication or have medications in their possession.. Parents are responsible for making sure refills are made and brought to the school before the medicine runs out.  DO NOT SEND medications with your child.

  • The office will NOT be responsible for giving any messages to students (bus messages, etc.).  These must be made before your child leaves home. We cannot accept transportation changes through word of mouth from a student.